New Curriculum
The curriculum at The Rainbow Nursery are created with our children’s needs in mind: to mature and develop in a safe yet stimulating environment.
Outdoor Play
Motor Skills
Planning & Tracking
Your child will be observed by our key worker on a daily basis and tracked every term. You can ask the key worker about your child’s learning and development journey book to see or take home. We use 2simple toolkit to observe your child. Welcomm and ICan are the other tools which are used in the nursery to track your children’s speech and language development.
Learning Journey
Each child at nursery will have a learning journey book. Staff will collect observations, photos and artwork as a record of their experiences at nursery. We welcome all parents’ contributions to these (for example, write a short note about what your child has been doing at home); photos can be included too. These will be available for you to look at.
Outdoor activites
Whenever possible, we will be using our bikes, trikes and scooters and, occasionally, the primary school’s play area at the back of our building. Sports day is one of our most popular events among children, parents and grand-parents.. In the event of a hot summer, please send your child with a sun hat and sun cream marked with his/her name, and during the winter with a warm hat and gloves. During wet weather, it would be appreciated if the children changed into clean footwear and leave muddy wellington boots on the newspaper /mat on arrival.
We deliver a curriculum that celebrates cultural and ethnic diversity. For us it is vital that our settings reflect multicultural, multi-ethnic society in a positive way. We develop children's understanding of other cultures in a meaningful way by forging links with settings whose intake includes different ethnic groups. Children will enjoy exchanging information through, drawings, photographs, tapes or even videos. We encourage visits to places such as Hindu temples, church, Community Park etc.